In a
recent Berkshire Record article I read that the town of Egremont is appealing the AG
ruling that the selectmen violated the open meeting law. Since Charlie and
Jeremia are quoted I will address them in this response.
Really Charlie? You think you're right and your lawyers are
appealing? How many lawyers are we, the taxpayers of Egremont, paying for
your screw ups? In case you haven't noticed this is our town and you
are opening our town to yet another law suit. Maybe you should ask the
town what they think before you act. Rather than run for another term, perhaps
you should consider resigning and gracefully stepping out of the way. But I
guess you don’t do anything gracefully.
I've read the rebuttal letter and all I can say is, really Jeremia? You think this town believes that your intent
is to protect the people from committing a crime? Be real. In your rebuttal you
misquote the AG as saying “notice is not required by law”. The fact is that the
AG said “advance notice is
not required”. Did you actually read the documents before you drafted your
rebuttal? Did the selectmen read the documents before they approved this action?
The Selectmen are suing the AG in the name of the town and no one noticed that
Jeremia misquoted the AG. Who are we entrusting the affairs of our town to?
should know that the moment a person notifies the chairman of their intention
to record they’re not committing a crime. The law is satisfied upon
notification that the citizen can record. Now you're going to argue that the AG
is wrong? The words are clearly written in the text of the law and AG finding.
you the one that advised the BoS that there was no law requiring they be heard
by the citizens attending an open meeting? You seem to have given the selectmen
some very questionable advice. Do you get paid by the mistake? You have to
understand that you are a line item in the town budget; the town can defund
your position with one vote. You work for us. Try serving the townspeople
rather than the town hall.
appeal of the AG decision is just dumb; the selectmen need to take the slap on
the hand and get over it. This action borders on abuse of process and illustrates
exactly why this administration needs to be removed; starting with Charlie.
town is still dealing with the ramifications of what many believe to be Charlie’s
vendetta against Reena Bucknell. And now it’s official, the attorneys for the former
police chief have filed a wrongful firing law suit. Now the town has to pay to
defend against this board’s stupidity. Then, to add insult to injury, Charlie
Flynn asks the town to trust him for another three years? This town can’t afford another 3 years of Charlie Flynn.