Sunday, June 2


          I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. The BoS led by Charlie Flynn is hell bent on emasculating the finance committee. According to what was said at the most recent FC meeting Charlie was most likely to have been the one who sent out an email that states emphatically that Laura Allen and Kevin Zurrin will not be reappointed to the FC. It is statements like this that show that this BoS is trying to purge the FC of anyone who doesn’t march to their drum beat. If this reappointment is successfully prevented then the finance committee will be severely weakened. Mark my words, without Laura the FC will not pursue the water company audit with the same tenacity. It is Laura who has the most knowledge to guide the audit. I have to wonder why Charlie doesn’t want to see this audit go forward.
          Laura Allen has served on the Finance Committee for over a decade. Under her leadership the FC has made the towns financial matters more transparent than in any other administration. Perhaps this is why this BoS is trying to drive her out. This BoS knows that if Laura is reappointed that she will dig up every dirty little secret that the water company has been hiding for so many years. This is Charlie’s greatest fear. I have to wonder if perhaps Charlie is hiding something; we know by his own words that he doesn’t believe in a transparent town government.

          I warned awhile back that the BoS were intent on weakening the FC. At this June 3rd meeting the BoS, apparently at the insistence of Charlie, will attempt to block the reappointment of Laura Allen. We know Charlie’s out for blood and he makes it obvious by his own words and deeds. He rules and is ruled by his rage. Perhaps this is why the other selectmen can’t stand against him. Charlie may act all humble at the meetings but don’t be fooled; Charlie is the one setting the agenda and I don’t think Bruce or Mary would ever dare to oppose him. Face it, He is the reason that the town has been opened up to the possibility of multiple lawsuits.

          To all who attended my deposition and those who wanted to be there and couldn’t, there is going to be another attempted removal of a finance committee member. For the sake of the integrity of the Finance Committee I would ask that anyone who can make it to this meeting please come on June 3rd at 6:30 in the town hall.



  1. I certainly agree that Kevin Zurrin shouldn't be reappointed, but I have a lot of respect for Laura and would like to see her continue in the role.

  2. I didn't know Kevin was up for reappointment. I would be interested in why you think he should not be reappointed if he were.

    1. Spot on Kevin. We must ask why anyone would vote not to reappoint the respected chairman of a very hardworking committee. If any of this relates to the innuendos and false claims attributed to Charlie Flynn in the recent Berkshire Record article, those voting against Laura Allen's continued service should come clean on that, and explain why these ridiculous allegations should be accepted without a shred of evidence. The Finance Committee is under attack not because it has not done a good job, nor is its Chairman under attack because she has not done a good job. They are under attack because they have annoyed the Select Board, because Flynn does not like Laura or Richard Allen, and because not reappointing the chairman poses a threat to an independent audit of the Water Department that the body of the town through the town meeting authorized three weeks ago. The idea that the Finance Committee can itself select an auditor, set the terms of the audit, and oversee the process of the audit is so frightful to Flynn that he has roused himself into fits of micromanagerial fantasyy that have elicited concern from Bruce and Mary--episode one of the Charlie-Charlie show as produced by Kevin.

    2. I don't think you can call it reappointment if he's not currently appointed. In any case, I think Laura Allen should definitely be kept on--and perhaps Kevin ( & others) can learn from her example. Laura shows how someone can be independent minded & effective without being self-aggrandizing, divisive, & distracting.

  3. The reason my name is in the mix is that on Wednesday April 3rd I was the first to apply for the open seat on the finance committee. Mr. Scribbler called me for a quote because he thought I was screwing with the BoS. I assured him that I was serious and rather than sue the town it was an attempt to first allow the selectmen to do the right thing.

  4. There is ABSOLUTELY no valid/legitimate reason for L.Allen NOT to be reappointed to the Finance Committee. Chairperson Allen is bright, articulate, efficient, thorough, and above reproach. This town needs people like L.Allen to continue to do good work. And if Kevin Zurrin volunteered his time and energy to the Finance Committee last year and performed his job efficiently- why shouldn't he serve? what's the issue? What is the REAL issue here in town? Anonymous 6:50pm is right on the money about Mrs. Allen. Mr. Zurrin " do the right thing??? " Let's hope they do.

  5. I say we should oust the entire FC and start over. Any governing body who allows such a ridiculous mismanagement of town funds to occur is grounds for termination. That goes for the BoS too! I personally don’t think any of them have a real clue what’s going on.
