have had a lot of people complaining that they could not hear what the BoS were
saying at the “OPEN MEETING. Well the
BoS spoke very clearly last night at their
meeting. They said NO, citizens do
not have the right to hear what the BoS are discussing at THEIR meetings. Their emphatic statement was that “This is OUR Meeting and by law we only have
to be heard by each other”. This supercilious gang believes that we
citizens may have the right to be there; but we DO NOT have the right to hear their deliberations. Like a cage full
of monkeys at the zoo, we can look at them but we don’t have to understand what
they are saying.
that isn't bad enough these arrogant thugs feel that they don’t have any
requirement to allow the citizens to speak at the BoS meetings. Technically
this is true, the chairman rules the floor. However, I recall not too long ago
a couple of citizens, sued for the right to speak at town meeting. While the
court did rule in the towns favor it cost the town a lot of money to defend
their right to prohibit free speech. I think we’re still paying for that
debacle. Do we have to go through this again? This is how they introduced their new gag rule. When a citizen was
recognized by the chair and started to speak, the chairman cut him off and asked
if what he was about to discuss was on the agenda. When this citizen said no
the chairman cut him off and said that citizen’s time
is limited to discussing only items on the agenda.
From now on any Egremont citizen is required to anticipate any questions they might have in advance and make a
written request to Mary to put it on the agenda. Is this so the BoS can screen the questions? Doesn't this kind of resemble
the Politburo in Communist Russia?
You remember; the system where a person would have to apply in writing to ask any
government official a question. The government would then have to decide if they
wanted to allow that person to ask the question, put that person in prison or
kill them. I don’t know about you, but I think this is a bunch of bolshevic. What
are these three people doing to our town? When are the citizens going to wake
up and take control? Does this picture resemble someone on the BoS? Could they be related? Could one be a reincarnation of the other? They certainly do have identical political philosophies.
Joseph Stalin
Bruce Turner