Tuesday, August 27


          We have had a lot of people complaining that they could not hear what the BoS were saying at the “OPEN MEETING. Well the BoS spoke very clearly last night at their meeting. They said NO, citizens do not have the right to hear what the BoS are discussing at THEIR meetings. Their emphatic statement was that “This is OUR Meeting and by law we only have to be heard by each other”. This supercilious gang believes that we citizens may have the right to be there; but we DO NOT have the right to hear their deliberations. Like a cage full of monkeys at the zoo, we can look at them but we don’t have to understand what they are saying.
          If that isn't bad enough these arrogant thugs feel that they don’t have any requirement to allow the citizens to speak at the BoS meetings. Technically this is true, the chairman rules the floor. However, I recall not too long ago a couple of citizens, sued for the right to speak at town meeting. While the court did rule in the towns favor it cost the town a lot of money to defend their right to prohibit free speech. I think we’re still paying for that debacle. Do we have to go through this again? This is how they introduced their new gag rule. When a citizen was recognized by the chair and started to speak, the chairman cut him off and asked if what he was about to discuss was on the agenda. When this citizen said no the chairman cut him off and said that citizen’s time is limited to discussing only items on the agenda.
          From now on any Egremont citizen is required to anticipate any questions they might have in advance and make a written request to Mary to put it on the agenda. Is this so the BoS can screen the questions? Doesn't this kind of resemble the Politburo in Communist Russia? You remember; the system where a person would have to apply in writing to ask any government official a question. The government would then have to decide if they wanted to allow that person to ask the question, put that person in prison or kill them. I don’t know about you, but I think this is a bunch of bolshevic. What are these three people doing to our town? When are the citizens going to wake up and take control? Does this picture resemble someone on the BoS? Could they be related? Could one be a reincarnation of the other? They certainly do have identical political philosophies.  

Joseph Stalin


Bruce Turner



  1. The resemblance is scary, where did you get the pictures?

  2. Freedom of speech went out the door in Egremont... sad state of affairs.

  3. For the first time in quite a while, I am a bit sympathetic with the BOS members. Many of us may believe they are not doing the job. I certainly believe that. But the unending barrage of criticism at board meetings makes it difficult for them to conduct ordinary business. There is nothing in MA law that requires "citizens' time," and the OML discourages discussion of matters not on the agenda. So if a citizen raises a matter that is a direct - or indirect - attack on the selectboard, is it a surprise that the selectmen don't want to discuss it?

    If you believe the BOS isn't doing its job, you can write letters to the editor, post critical blog entries, file OML complaints, organize and energize opposition, loudly or quietly exercise your first amendment rights, file written complaints with the selectboard, file requests or demands to take actions with the selectboard, and, yes, even get on the agenda to just complain. But if you think "citizens' time" is just an opportunity to carp without offering constructive proposals, I think the BOS is right in resisting.

    1. very well said, Richard. And Kevin, if it is that bad to live in Egremont, pack your bags and keep on fighting communism in Baltimore where you came from. Nobody forces you to stay here, we actually managed quite well before you came.

  4. The town meeting case that you refered to was presented in a court of law and was ruled on that the present moderator,Tom Gage never refused anyone to speak at that or any other town meeting.Get your facts right Kevin and stop trying to bully the town officials for what you did wrong and got reprimanded for.

    1. What facts were wrong? He said that someone sued the town for the right to speak at a town meeting. That's a fact. He said the court ruled in the towns favor. That's a fact. And he said that it cost the town a lot of money. That's a fact. Where did he get his facts wrong? You should get your facts right. And what did he do wrong?

  5. Kevin this posting has stepped over the line as this is clearly a case that the BOS should take to court and I will be the first person to volunteer my tax dollars to fight you.I thought at first that you were a reasonable person,but now you have gone to far.If I were you(glad I am not)I would apologize for some of the bogus things you have said and move out of town as quickly as possible.It is a darn good thing that you don't live in another country or you would be tared and feathered or worse for some of the crazy statements you have made in the past months.Some of you other people that fueled Kevin's fire are just as bad.Stop and let the BOS and others run our town as they were elected and appointed to do. No one is right all of the time,not even you.

  6. Everyone has the right to comment on Kevin's blog. And I carefully read each blog and reply. However, I would hope persons commenting would be brave? enough to include their names. This would help to add a level of transparency (sadly missing) to our current local governing process. In my opinion, using "Anonymous" to post opinions, is part of the problem.

  7. I agree with Kevin that the current Selectmen are thugs and jerks. They should be ashamed of themselves and resign.

    The truth is that the Town won the lawsuit on the right to speak and then "graciouslY" said it was willing to allow non resident property owners to speak, but not vote. Prior to this, the Town and its Moderator most certainly did deny non resident property owners to even speak. I was witness to this at several meetings.

    Kevin a every right to voice his opinions and, even though he is sometimes a little exaggerated, I think he has been a strong force of advancing the Town's interest.

    I disagree with the person who says the Town did just fine before Kevin arrived. Our beloved Town is the laughing stock of South County and has been badly run for many years. Perhaps the person who feels differently has never lived elsewhere and is just completely out of tough with reality.

  8. Comparing an Egremont Selectmen, whether you are happy with job performance or not, to Joseph Stalin, a man personally responsible for murdering millions of people, is not funny. People: this Zurrin guy is a one sad and sick puppy. Be careful who you put your trust in.

  9. I put my trust in no one. I am a free thinking individual that develops opinion based on what I see and know to be true.

    The lawsuit against the town was for the right of tax-paying non-voters to speak at town meeting. By law, everyone has the ability to speak, NOT the right to speak. It is the moderator's meeting and he/she can deny anyone from speaking. After the Curnin suit, which he lost, there was a vote to allow non-voters (primarily second-home owners) to speak. That was passed by the town in a very close vote. Yet, for those that are aware of the laws it was a meaningless vote, as the moderator still controls who may speak. The only thing it really did was to remove the ability of the legislative body (voters attending the meeting) to deny non-voters the right to speak, which they had, by law.

    Let's discuss Andrea's comment. I am not sure of Andrea's status - new to town, long-time resident or born here. Often it affects the writer's perspective. But I have seen vindictive behavior from our Selectboard, which is easily done in such a small town. Often people just feel more free to speak honestly when they believe there will be no reprisal. Whether you sign your name or not, it is the content that is important. A "holier than thou" stance just because you are willing to sign your name only divides us further.

    The "pack your bags and leave" suggestion is just foolish. We all live here and have every right, no, responsibility to question and argue when we believe a wrong has been committed by our elected representatives. For too long we are surrounded by apathy. Too many people just say "leave it alone" or "it's not my problem." Then when it hits the proverbial fan, they are the first to yell "why didn't you do something about it?

    All of these diversions just take us away from the real problem. Try to take an objective view of the town's state of affairs: Egremont has a Personnel Policy that clearly outlines disciplinary procedures. It was not followed, regarding Chief Bucknell. Massachusetts Open Meeting Laws (https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleIII/Chapter30A) clearly define proper procedure regarding discussing personnel issues, as does our Personnel Policy, neither of which was followed. Allegations were made that were unsubstantiated, yet formed the basis for action taken by the Selectboard. No investigation was performed (as the Pomeroy Report clearly states), yet punitive action was taken by the Selectboard. Open meetings are held improperly with many Open Meeting Complaints being served on the Selectboard. Open Meeting Guidelines are not being followed. The Selectboard is restricting the public from both attendance and participation in meetings, in contrast to the meeting behavior of the past 20 years. All because they don't like being challenged or questioned on their actions, or want to be seen doing the wrong thing. But many would argue, correctly, that is part of the purpose of an Open Meeting.

    I have only scratched the surface, but the itch is very deep.The Selectboard is not properly working for the people of Egremont, either legally or conceptually, and that is the reason so many are disturbed. In the Selectboard's view, we elected them, so they can do whatever they want and should not be challenged. This has clearly been expressed to the audience at the most recent meeting of the Selectboard. Tapes of all meetings are available at Town Hall, just ask to hear them if you were unable to attend.

    These are OUR problems and it is OUR responsibility to stand up and speak out against tyrannical behavior. I believe that was the reason for Kevin's usage of Stalin's image.

    Remember, while this blog is maintained by Kevin it is OPEN to the public. I just suggest we all refrain from personal attack and stay on focus. Kevin and I agree on some things and disagree on others. But I believe we both agree on freedom of speech.

    1. To be more accurate Anon1 this is my blog and I can choose what remains on the blog. Like a moderator or chairman I can squelch free speech at will. If I don’t like what is being said I have every right and all authority to remove any content I please. Many have accused me of removing posts and I have. However, I can count the posts that I have deleted on one hand and it was for obvious cause.

  10. Once again, sad state of affairs at the BOS meetings and their actions/behavior. What happened to trying to resolve conflict and working for the betterment of the community? What happened to being open and honest? Lost that a LONG time ago.

  11. Anonymous 1 from 8/28,1215 strong points and so true. How far can we go in Egremont regarding violating Due Process, Open Meeting laws, and destroying a person's character and reputation while also ignoring our own Town Policies and Procedures? The BOS is more interested in talking to the newspapers so they can control the message. Communicating openly with us might reveal the true facts and that would be dangerous for the three of them. The 1st Amendment was passed for very specific reasons.

  12. Classic! Now if you can find similar likeness photos for the other two nazis I will truly be impressed. Keep up the great work Kevin!

    1. Anon
      I did not, nor would I ever imply that our BoS were Nazi's;-? The implication was that their actions resembled that of the Communist party of the former Soviet Union. However subtle it may be, there is a difference.

  13. Read for yourself and you decide if the BoS has instituted this policy to limit the citizens ability to seek resolution to town issues. these emails were between a citizen and Mary Brazie.

    I am requesting to be added to the agenda for citizens time. The subject matter will be the interim chief, the community policing grant money and any matter associated with these items. Please email me to confirm that you received this and that it can be added to the agenda.

    Thank you

    Her response:

    The agenda for the Selectmen's meeting on September 9 is closed as it was required to be posted last evening.
    I will ask Bruce Turner, who is Chairman, if he wishes this on the agenda for September 23.

    Isn't it interesting that if the BoS wants to add items on the agenda they can post an amended agenda even a half hour before the meeting.

  14. Wow people in Egremont need to get a life. It's f - ing egremont. I would never live in egremont if you paid me. Nothing but a bunch of pain in ass city people who moved up here. All of you need to go back where you came from. Get out of here! You're all as bad as the tourists.

  15. Actually Egremonters do have a life. Quite a nice life as a matter of fact. Like other towns we have our squabbles but all in all we treat each other with due respect. Well most of us.
