Sunday, May 4


I've been accused by many of being negative with all that I have written since I started this blog; and much of what I have written has been negative. However, one cannot begin to resolve a problem until they first admit that there is a problem. Considering the recent response of the townspeople I think we have finally realized that Egremont has a problem and we need to address it. Now the real work begins.
Tuesday night will either be a rallying point or place of surrender. This town meeting is not about me or my blog or even my negativity; it’s about our way of life. Our town government is supposed to be set up with checks and balances. The Board of Selectmen serve in an advisory role; but its primary function is to administer the will of the people as expressed at the annual town meeting. The Finance committee has an advisory role as well. Its function is to keep a check on the financial aspects of the town and advise the people. They’re the guardian of the purse. The police department is there to keep law and order. But the legislative branch of our town government is vested only in the people. We have to get our town back on track and Tuesday night is the night to do it. 
There is a small group of people trying to keep the power out of the hands of the people. The only way to stop them is to take the power back. We only diminish our power when we don’t voice our opinion. We relinquish our power when we don’t vote. The only way this small group of people can win is if we the people are either too afraid or too apathetic to exercise our right to govern ourselves. We are the lawmakers. Tuesday night at 7pm at Mt Everett school we have a chance to tell this small group of people that we are taking back our rightful authority. 
Some people are giving me credit for doing something that needed to be done. I didn't do a whole lot. I simply voiced something that needed to be spoken. I simply listened and heard what people have been whispering for a long time. What people may have thought but never dared utter. Don’t look at me as though I have anything special going on, I’m just like you, I have only one vote. Look within yourselves; together WE HAVE THE POWER IN ALL OF OUR HANDS. We are a democracy. A democracy is where every vote is equal and none are more equal than others. There is only one vote that doesn't count; it is the vote that has never been cast. Please come out and cast your vote; I assure you it will count.


  1. what makes you think Egremont is not a democracy? Sekectmen are elected by majority. The town's finances are in good shape. The tax rate is low. Problems have been worked on diligently and honestly. What we don't need is your demagoguery!

    1. You idiot what world do you live in. The taxes are going up 4 % and then you want another 3% for CAP and even more for the water company. Don't give me the bs that we need to clean the slate for the water company. we have cleaned the slate for 15 years. its time to stop these selectmen from ruining our town. will you say the same thing if Zurrin gets elected.

    2. I guess you didn't notice that this entire post was about democracy in action. I don't usually stoop to insult people who comment on this blog but in your case I'll make an exception. The fact that you ask the question makes me agree with the above comment to your statement. Every time you post you shine a light on you mental capacity, or lack thereof.

  2. Thanks Kevin. Being fairly new in town I'm wading in to this debate slowly but I completely agree with you. It's disheartening to see how people use the force of government yo extort funds for pet projects.

    what needs to be said is that those on both sides of this debate really do care about this town and historical preservation. I just don't not believe it needs to be funded by force. It's insulting to me that they need to force more money out of my pocket to match it with money they stole from other parts of the state.

    Rather, if they really believed in town or community spirit, they should knock on my door and ask for a donation or for me to volunteer my time to a charity. To me that's the most direct use of fund and man power. Again thank you. I enjoyed the read

  3. Anonymous 10:17 Did you even read the post or maybe you just have no reading comprehension! Oh, the BOS diligently still has Jack Muskrat working and is honestly seeking a raise for Him.

  4. Sounds like Zurrin is still fighting Communism. Some people just seem to think there is evil all around them. Sound paranoid to me.

  5. It is only a select few that are HappyHappy living in Turnerville.

  6. Anybody who thinks Egremont is well run has their head stuck in the sand. It's a disaster. The BOS have failed completely with both the Water Company and the Police Department. Inept is the nicest word that comes to mind. How they can keep Jack Muskrat around is beyond belief.

    We need a change in the BOS and Kevin Zurrin is clearly a move in the right direction.

  7. Kevin has been able to introduce FACT not fiction by being diligent, fair, and to the point. Starting to look like Fantasy Land here: aka Turnerland and Flynndom. Oh, and don't forget Queenville. Be careful because you get what you vote for. Start eliminating the fantasy, it goes back a LONG way. We NEED a change now. Agree, move in the right direction.
