Wednesday, May 14

My most humble thanks to the 169

I would like to thank the 169 people who came out and voted for me. You are the people who are looking for change and are willing to step up to the plate. Don't think that because we lost this election that we have no power. Always remember that the power is vested in the people not the town hall gang. All this means to me is that for the next year we have to try to affect the gang from the citizens seat just as we did last year. Personally I have no intention changing my strategy. I plan on continuing to attend the meetings and writing it the way I see it same as always. Change is still in the air, it just may take a little longer. We have to get back up and continue on. Again, thank you. Now the work begins.


  1. Kevin. Enough is enough. You are not a viable candidate. The people of Egremont have spoken. They do not want you. Now would be the time that a person with dignity and self respect would say to themselves: Okay, I gave it my best shot and they obviously (after 3 lost elections) don't want me. Time to stop harassing the town officials, get a life or a job or both, and move back to Baltimore.

    1. I am offended by your comment. I am one of Kevin's 169 supporters who feels the need for change. I have lived here longer than most and know all about Charlie and this Group who have embedded themselves into the Town Hall for years. They Lie, Misinform and Bully our citizens who don't line up with their agenda's. Most of Charlie's 227 voters are The Town Hall Wolves in Sheep's Clothing Group. Others are Elderly and Naive citizens who fall prey to their tactics. Then there are the people with business's, building houses, improving or selling their houses, needing to deal with the different Town Departments. They are also afraid and it is that FEAR that keeps the same old group in year after year. 528 voters didn't even come out or get involved because they are Afraid or uninterested. Many people were afraid to put signs out to show support for Kevin or who were against the CPA. Those who did put signs up got phone calls, were questioned, asked, bullied and perhaps even threatened to change their minds. It is this comment above that so arrogantly depicts the spirit of OUR Town Hall and has for years .Kevin as a Voting Taxpayer of Egremont has every RIGHT to participate ,question, Record/ Video and Write about the Elected Wolfs in Sheep's Clothing. They are Paid Town Employee's (VOTING in RAISES for Themselves!) who even if just elected need to Serve and Respect All the Towns Citizens no matter how annoying they might be.

  2. We don't have a gang in Town Hall, we have a democratically elected trio who work hard to resolve problems. All towns have problems, we are not alone. It is how the resolutions to these problems are handled, and of the two issues we had, only the water department issues remain. We are moving along with a responsible group to follow up on the audit. I have yet to hear anything positive come from KZ, he is so locked into a negative "we have trouble right here in River City" mode when we have a fine town with a lot of great assets, among which are a low tax rate and great amenities. What is your problem? You want to fight the Libertarian battle? Sign up with SenatorTed Cruz and fight it on a national level, but leave our town in peace for us to enjoy. You talk so much about a gang trampling your rights; well, they are democratically elected, Charlie by a plurality of 58 votes, 53 more than 3 years ago, and if the remaining 293 non-voters had come out, his plurality would have been greater.

    1. Peace it is only the town hall bunch that ever thought this town was in Peace
